Table 4.1. Total market, market shares, firm and yard numbers.
Year |
Deliveries(M) |
Flettons % of total |
LBC % Flettons |
LBC % Total |
Next 4 largest % Total |
No. of Yards |
No. of Firms |
1938 |
6,939 |
1147 |
1950 |
5,928 |
34.3 |
70.2 |
24.1 |
16 |
1955 |
7,204 |
37.5 |
69.7 |
26.2 |
18 |
1960 |
7,332 |
40.4 |
68.9 |
27.8 |
21 |
1965 |
7,424 |
41.7 |
69.8 |
29.1 |
22 |
1966 |
6,729 |
42.7 |
71.8 |
30.7 |
22 |
1967 |
7,701 |
42 |
70.8 |
29.8 |
23 |
1968 |
7,221 |
42.8 |
72.6 |
31.1 |
23 |
1969 |
6,481 |
42.5 |
86.7 |
36.8 |
23 |
544 |
1970 |
6,356 |
43.2 |
84.1 |
36.3 |
24 |
1971 |
6,825 |
43.7 |
92.7 |
40.5 |
26 |
1972 |
7,023 |
43 |
95.4 |
41 |
26 |
1973 |
6,998 |
43.1 |
95.6 |
41.2 |
27 |
357 |
156 |
1974 |
5,011 |
40.7 |
100 |
40.9 |
29.3 |
153 |
1975 |
5,467 |
41.7 |
100 |
41.7 |
28 |
144 |
1976 |
5,380 |
42.1 |
100 |
42.1 |
27 |
128 |
1977 |
4,718 |
41.3 |
100 |
41.3 |
27.5 |
116 |
1978 |
5,107 |
43.1 |
100 |
43.1 |
27 |
111 |
1979 |
4,909 |
41.9 |
100 |
41.9 |
26 |
100 |
1980 |
4,046 |
38.3 |
100 |
38.3 |
26.5 |
90 |
1981 |
3,566 |
39.0 |
100 |
39.0 |
24 |
89 |
1982 |
3,761 |
37.0 |
100 |
37.0 |
25 |
243 |
86 |
Sources: M & MC. Building Bricks. 1976. P. 10-11.
M & MC, LBC and Ibstock Johnsen. 1983. P 11.
DOE. Building and Construction Statistics. 1979, 1983.
Since the war, the brick industry has seen increases in market concentration, with the share of the 5 largest firms increasing from 42.1% to 62.0% in 1982. However, this 1982 market share probably understates the 5 largest downtrends in brick demand, larger firms suffer more than smaller, specialist producers who are more able to hold their levels of production stable.